Danielle Malt
There Once Was Magic
When I was small, I often woke
Long after the sun had fled
Convinced there was a giant snake
Hiding underneath my bed.
In my backyard a forsythia bush
Whenever I crawled to sit inside
Transformed into a golden palace
Where tiny dragons liked to hide.
And when I found a four-leaf clover
It was a prize fit for a prince
That is, until my sister ate it.
She’s been lucky ever since.
I kept the secret of a portal
Concealed in a dogwood tree
That when I carefully climbed through
Led to another reality.
Monsters only lurked at night
Love, once found, was always true
Magic was present everywhere
And grown-ups never lied to you.
Since then, I’ve traveled somewhere else
A place harder to understand
Where there’s a formula for fairy dust
And they’ve stripped the paint from Wonderland.

Danielle Malt
Danielle Malt is a transfer student at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. She is studying Graphic Design with a focus on Illustration. She has published a children's fairytale retelling called The Cat Princess and hopes to be an established author one day.