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The Drillroom

Cole Dickinson

          The employee drove to work. They were on night shifts, so they took it slow. 

          They parked and locked the door and clocked in. They locked the office door behind them, too. 

          They’d never heard the boss’s voice. The superiors only communicated with the employee through email. They sat at the desk and waited for the computer to boot. 

          After some sloppy typing the employee was in. They checked the inbox. The company had messaged them. In the email was a series of specific instructions. They began following the instructions and flipped on the lights for the drillroom. 

          The equipment was revealed. The corners of the room were still dark. Only a single bulb lit the space. Through the glass protective screen, the employee could see what was inside—a drill the size of their head. Cold, black computer screens waited for the touch of their power buttons. Extra hazmat suits. Gloves. Boots. Repair tools and a shelf stocked with old binders. 

          The next step was printed in bold text. The employee put their face close to the humming monitor to read. They read it for a while. They stood up and wiped their eyes and shook their head. They pulled on the suit, boots, and gloves. They printed their instructions and stapled together the packet and took it with them into the drillroom. Over several hours, they followed the instructions given to them by the company. 

          Researchers within the company had made a few minor errors. 

          The employee never drove home. Company retainers disposed what remained of their body. The workplace was fixed up by the cleaners. A few people called the employee’s phone to check and see if they were okay. No one called the cops. No one made a fuss. Soon, the next employee drove to work. 

Cole Dickinson


​Cole Dickinson loves writing. He has a lot of hobbies, but his favorites are reading, writing, roleplaying, and gaming. Cole is in his final year of college and excited to graduate. 

River Bluff  Review© 2024 


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