Kelsy Oglesby
The Buzzing
Of my mind keeps me awake,
the numbers are melting
from the clock and
my body is restless.
Honeybees can flap their
tiny wings 200 times a minute.
Pacing doesn’t help
still my thoughts,
my hands are restless.
I pick at hangnails
and chipped blue
polish that’s called
Chill-Out. The worker bee
hums around the hostas
and daylilies, ready to collect
their pollen. The dread tickles
up my neck and sits there.
I tug at my ear until it’s sore,
I don’t wear earrings anymore.
The bee returns to her hive, tired
and hungry, to 20,000
restless buzzing bodies.
I take deep breaths and
think about how my calendar
still says November, how I have to
pick up my prescription, take the
dog to the vet, do that paper on
the impact of climate change
on honeybees, get a gallon of milk,
pay my tuition, pay my car payment,
drink more water,
take another deep breath.
My fingers tap out a restless pattern
and I reach for my phone.
The first video I see is
a queen ripping apart a male drone.

Kelsey Oglesby
Kelsey Oglesby is a senior studying Mass Communications and Creative Writing. Her goals after college are to work in radio and continue writing poetry. She loves spending time with her dog Dolly and film photography.