Kelsey Oglesby
Re:Bar Harbor
Dear You,
I made it home.
The drive was long
and quiet. Music turned
off halfway
back to Illinois,
your favorite songs
made me want to turn
around. I wish I could have
stayed there with you forever
in that fishing cabin on the coast.
The headlights of passing cars
reminded me of the lighthouse
shining through our window at
night. Guarding our beach.
Smooth deep blue stone rattling
all the way back
in my cupholder. The one you gave to
me. You said it
was perfect for skipping.
I didn’t skip it.
Wanting to hold
onto that moment forever.
It’s just a stupid rock. A silly
little token of affection
that I’ll carry with me until
we go back to that pub,
get root beers and poutine
and you say poutine with a southern
twang to the waiter, we’ll
giggle all the way to the water
to skip that perfect pebble
together and I’ll stay with you there

Kelsey Oglesby
Kelsey Oglesby is a senior studying Mass Communications and Creative Writing. Her goals after college are to work in radio and continue writing poetry. She loves spending time with her dog Dolly and film photography.