Kelsey Oglesby
I breath​e​ in.
Sitting on a log, drifted up long ago​,​
worn down by time and visitors.
The fire in a pebble pit crackles​,​
daring the tide to come closer.
It laps over the polished stones,
perfectly skippable,
comfortably walkable.
Thick fog hanging silently above
​​the ​turquoise waters of the sound.
A blanket wrapping its comfort around
the plastic red-and-blue kayaks
bobbing gently with the waves.
Ferry embracing the welcoming beam
of the old, weathered lighthouse.
White shiplap showing the sun-bleached
wood beneath. Red-tiled roof where meetings
of chatty gulls take place, calling out to boats.
The soft breeze blows the scent of evergreen
and the sea. The sun sets, leaving
the constellations to tell campfire stories​,​
while the embers begin to fade.
I breath​e​ out.

Kelsey Oglesby
Kelsey Oglesby is a senior studying Mass Communications and Creative Writing. Her goals after college are to work in radio and continue writing poetry. She loves spending time with her dog Dolly and film photography.