Ella Young
last night the sun set
Last night the sun set,
but today there is morning glory.
Shaded by rippling laurel leaves
thrushes sing in their ancient tongue.
Each note bright and clear,
a symphony for all with ears.
Irises sprout purple and proud.
A magpie glides by,
weightless as a cloud.
Rain-battered roses bloom
presenting their petals,
proof of perseverance
to the wide world, a boon.
Life is meant for living
and Nature is forgiving.
One day she’ll claim you too
embrace you, birth you again, anew.
When all I am is moss and bone
I will not be alone.
For I sing in the chorus of living beings
I am tree bark and earthworm and tempest breeze.
On those nights
when bleak blots out the stars
and I am forced to sit with Strife
I must recall,
that heavy though it may fall,
rain is but a chapter in the greatest stories
and tomorrow there will be morning glories.

Ella Young
Ella Young is a junior at SIUE studying English and Anthropology. She loves art, reading, and the mountains. She would like to thank everyone who has supported her and encouraged her to keep writing, including her friends at the Maude Jellison Library and YMCA of the Rockies, Jessica, Leah, Macy, and many more.