Rae Onyx
Angry Black Woman
Angry? Why do I have to be angry?
I’m not angry. I’m grateful.
Grateful to exist in a world that reminds me how unworthy I am.
Grateful to stand in a space where I know how unseen I am.
Grateful to be unheard. Grateful to be misunderstood. Grateful to be judged. Grateful to be looked at as an object of obscurity.
Grateful to experience the hatred toward "my kind."
Because I’m not just a Woman—I'm a Black Woman.
The most unloved.
The most unappreciated.
The most misunderstood.
The most unworthy.
The most unseen.
The most unheard.
But see, my kind​—​​ ​
The kind that rises when buried.
The kind that speaks when silenced.
The kind that shines when shadowed.
The kind that loves when unloved.
The kind that is.
The kind that always will be.
A Black Woman.
There will never be another “kind” like her.

Rae Onyx
Rae Onyx is the pen name of a graduate student studying African American literature and a Graduate Assistant teaching Black first-year women on campus. Her writing explores the struggles and resilience of Black women, focusing on overcoming adversity and reclaiming strength. Passionate about both teaching and storytelling, she uses her work to empower and uplift, fostering spaces of growth and self-expression for her students and readers alike.